Things over the past week have gone really well, I’m pretty lucky with the amount of good luck I have received recently. Yesterday was my meeting with the surgeon and I have been informed that I can start back walking! Wooooooo! People were looking at me strangely as I was so excited to be walking about the hospital with my new massive moon boot! This morning I managed to ditch the crutches and walk (very slowly) with just the moon boot. Initially it was pretty sore, it feels as if the muscles are going to snap. Everything is very tight and rigid but it’s definitely a massive improvement. Have started spinning every morning with alternate spin or pool sessions at night. Tiredness has slapped me hard in the face this week, I am struggling! I will post a re-cap of sessions I have done over the past few weeks if I have time.
The amount of times I have fallen in the last month is ridiculous, I’m a disaster. But I have learnt to land with my foot kicking up in the air regardless of how or where I fall! It’s like an automatic response now as I am so paranoid about hurting my foot again! This new moon boot is huge though so think I’m pretty safe! Ignore the horrible fake tan line in that photo...
I have another 3 weeks with this boot on, then I can start to try walking in normal trainers. Arc/Cross training commences in 3 days. I am slightly dreading this. It is the closest thing to running, compared to in the pool or spinning, however I can’t wait to start it. Hopefully it will kick start me on the road to fitness! Surgeon believes that I will be back jogging within 3-4 weeks. My last meeting with him is in 6 weeks to which he claimed that if everything was still ok by then that I could ‘run,jump,train… do whatever I want’.
I find out sometime next week if I will be included in UKA’s funding program for the following year. Really hoping I am, as it would be a massive help towards the expense of my forthcoming rehab program, so fingers crossed things go my way and I can receive the best chance in order for me to get myself back to full fitness. Also had a very important meeting with BMW this week, will post more information on this at a later date.
My first exam was on Tuesday, Mathematical Methods (do not ask me why I took maths… I have no idea.. horrible decision) It actually went quite well though, so I’m confident that it is passed and out of the way, for now! The other two remaining exams are this Friday and next Tuesday then I am FREEEEEEE from university for the year!
Not much has happened the past week, mainly due to me being a geek and revising all day. Went to watch the East District XC Relays through at Camperdown, Dundee on Saturday. Don’t particularly miss that side of athletics. Used to love XC as a youngster but as I got older I have started to HATE it, especially the training. We used to always do our XC sessions around Caird Park Golf Course, in the freezing cold, rain and the majority of the time, snow! Not even slightly enjoyable. I remember a few years ago a couple of the 12 year olds in the group were kicking my ass going up hill reps. My excuse is that I am tall, my legs take longer to move…..Anyways, most of the training group then came through to watch Xfactor (Obviously) and a dominoes (Obviously). Was a pretty funny night, I miss everyone all living here! Still thinking of what to do for my 21st, thinking more, meal out then head out. Now to find somewhere fancy to have a meal! Looking forward to the next couple of weeks, getting back to normality slowly. Its also my boyfriends birthday soon, so we are going to head up to Aberdeen to visit his sister for the weekend and do a bit of well earned clothes shopping! You can never have too many clothes… FACT.. Also, went to Tartan Cafe in Dundee the other day as I hadn't been since the start of last semester at Uni. Decided I wanted a little cake after lunch. Their choices, Coffee cake(eurgh), Carrot cake (boulk), Cheese cake (yuck) and then..... CURLY WURLY CAKE! Never been so happy in my entire life.. and yes it was amazing.
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