The next day I flew into London Gatwick with Holly Bleasdale, the mens relays and a few others. The reception at Gatwick was unbelievable – even though Gatwick wasn't even a official London 2012 airport! There were crowds of people all cheering a taking pictures, it was a really weird experience. Me and Holly also got the chance to get a picture with Ronan Keating (of Boyzone). I was far too excited about the fact he was on our plane and chased after him to get a pic. This trip has been a 90's child dream as you see later on. I've managed to watch the Spice Girls and Take That (both at the Opening Ceremony) and get pictures with both Ronan (Boyzone) and Duncan from Blue. Amazing.
The security getting into and around
the village was absolutely flawless. The queues were small and
everything was done quickly and smoothly. Me and one of the athletes
did a survey for the IOC (in order to get a free olympic badge!) and
we honestly couldn't rate any part of the village or our experience
less than 9 or 10 out of 10.

Team GB House |
Our apartments were pretty nice too.
There were some reports of the beds being extremely small but at 5'11
I fitted in perfectly, (even though on the BBC website and wikipedia
it states on my official stats that i'm 5'1.... they made a vital
mistake missing out that extra 1!). I was sharing my room with Julia
Bleasdale (5k) and the rest of our apartment with Lynsey Sharp
(800m), Sophie Hitchon (HT), Margaret Adeoye (200m) and Emily Diamond
(4x4). We were lucky enough to have a room with a huge balcony and it
was amazing being able to hear the cheers from the Olympic Stadium!
Absolute madness – but if I'm honest it made me extremely nervous
about competing on one of the first days of competition.
Signing the wall |
The food hall was about the size of 4
football pitches with every single type of meal you could possibly
think of (and also some things you could never imagine.. weird). It
was split into different sections and every part was open 24/7. It
also included a McDonald's and a McCafe. Around the village there
were vending machines dispensing free water/innocent
smoothies/powerade/coke/fanta etc... again all the Olympic Sponsors.
The medical centre was like nothing I
had ever seen. It was specifically for Team GB only and completely
separate from the busy village gym. It included several consultation
rooms/physio rooms, huge ice baths and a sauna. Amazing facilities.
Behind the medical centre there was a
separate outdoor eating zone called 'casual dining.' This was open
during the day only and provided fresh wraps along with several
treats from different parts of the UK. Without being biased the
Scottish stall was BY FAR the best treats. Shortbread, fudge and
strawberries. Every single athlete I spoke to agreed!
The International Zone in the Olympic
Village was the only area where certain accredited people and media
could come into. There was a games area with pool tables and music, a
completely free salon to get your hair and nails done then all the
normal services like a post office and bank. It really was like
living within a tiny, secure bubble for two weeks!
For me, my competition didn't go as
planned. I am usually never nervous about racing but I felt heavy and
flat warming up but put it down to nerves. At one point, whilst
sitting on the warm up track I actually felt sick thinking about my
race. I shouldn’t of allowed myself to get so worried as I knew I
was in the best physical shape of my life and there were no
expectations on me – I just had to go out there and run a personal
best time. Unfortunately for me, that didn’t happen and I ran one
of my poorest race this year. At the age of 21, to have made my first
major championship and for that championship to be an Olympic games –
a home Olympic Games! It was a massive step up and one that I will
never ever forget. I has also had some problems with my feet the week
previously and again I was just constantly over-thinking things on
each barrier and water jump causing myself to act very cautiously and
stutter into every one, loosing valuable time and ground.
The whole experience has made me more
determined to sort these little things out. Charles Van Comenee had a
stern but nice chat with me after my race and he was completely right
in everything he said. I 'gave the other athletes too much respect'
and 'didn't believe in my own abilities'. But one thing he did say to
me (and it is something that will stick in my head for the next few
years) is that with a full winter training , no injuries and with
starting some barrier and hurdle technique a few times a week that I
would be 'the only athlete in that entire field, capable of taking 30
seconds off my time'. This is obviously a huge positive. My highest
mileage is at 58 miles a week due to injury but I am trying to
compete against girls on 90-100 miles a week. This is a huge
difference – but it is something that cant be achieved instantly
but can slowly be built on over the next few years.
Reading twitter/facebook after I had
competed was really nice. The amount of comments, tweets and emails
was totally overwhelming. From people I had never meant in my life,
there words were so, so kind and almost had me in tears on several
occasions! I did however have a few (very few) nasty tweets although
they were too scared to tag me in it (yes... that meant I searched
for my name on twitter – I couldn't help it!). So anyway, I decided
to retweet the few horrible posts, one along the lines of 'Eilish
McColgan is a lanky twat', to find that the next day I received a few
apologies stating they were just jealous and to find that all of the
tweets had been deleted. 1-0 McColgan. To be honest though the rest
were pretty funny and did make me laugh. After tweeting some of the
other athletes names on Team GB, I definitely got away very lightly
with mine!
The next day I was pretty down about my
performance and felt a bit guilty that both my parents and my
boyfriend had travelled all the way to watch my race and I had
underperformed. It was also a bit frustrating watching everyone else
still competing when I was going back into full training again for
the rest of the season. At one point I even considered flying home a
week early in order to just get back into my normal routine and daily
life but after sleeping on it, I realised that would be a ridiculous
decision and one I would end up regretting immediately. I am
extremely fortunate to have even made the Olympic Team this year
after the roller-coaster of last year and so to miss the opportunity
of the whole games would have been idiotic.
Track session |
Cadbury House.... nom |
![]() |
The Personalised Kg of chocolate! ahhhh! |
After about 18 months of not drinking
one drop of alcohol or entering into a pub/nightclub – I seriously
made up for it within the space of three days. But we all had such a
great time and really did enjoy ourselves. Having our olympic
accreditation allowed us straight into nightclubs for free with
reserved tables and free champagne – which would usually be
extortionately priced and takes hours of queuing to get into.
Pozzi, me, Holly and Kat |
The first place we went to was actually
a 'secret gig' within the Olympic Park. As I am a total loser and
don't have any contacts, Kat (Heptathlon) and Holly Bleasedale (PV)
managed to get me on the guest list. It was hosted by Mark Ronson in
conjunction with Coca-cola and was literally one of the coolest
things i've ever been to! As everyone went home from their night at
the Games we were wandering in and walked around what we thought was
a statue – up to a floor top terrace where the event was being
held. You could see right the way round the Olympic Park which was
pretty sweet.
J and B |
After deciding to leave the Mark Ronson
Party we headed on the tubes into central London to Mahiki. Outside
paparazzi were lined up along the road, waiting (or hoping) for a big
star to fall over outside or get their bum out but thankfully for me
they had no idea who the hell I was, clearly not big time enough for
them to even bat an eyelid. Hahaha. It was one of the funniest nights
i've had in a long time and made me sad to think that the six of us
that were out, probably won't see each other again for a very long
time! Every one of us was under the age of 22 though – so it's
looking good for Glasgow 2014 and Rio 2016. I've promised them all
that the Glasgow Commonwealth will be epic!
Duncan from Blueeee!! |
OMEGA House |
The following night we attended yet
another event at the Omega House this time. It was like walking into
a casting for 'I'm a celebrity..get me out of here'. Tara
Palmer-Tomkinson (who might I add, stated I had a fantastic pair of
legs.. she may have been wasted but i'm taking it as a compliment),
Duncan from Blue (childhood dream), Amber from Made in Chelsea,
Caroline Flack (yes, the one who dated Harry Styles!!) and then
Athletics favourite (and former T4 presenter) Rick Edwards – whom I
think I may be in love with. So yes, it was a pretty cool evening.
Closing Ceremony.
Me with the subway gang - Anthony Ogogo and Holly Bleasedale |
Watching the Spice Girls brought back
flooding memories of when I used to wander around Primary School
wearing my spice girls watch, thinking it was the coolest thing ever.
I'm not even ashamed to admit, I had a cardboard cut out of them in
my room – I was nine. It was also nice to see I was not alone with
my excitement, the girls from Algeria were going wild and singing
along word for word to them too.
Rio 2016 has a tough act to follow but
after seeing there part at the Closing Ceremony – I am certain they
will pull off something amazing also. Everyone who took part in
organising and making London 2012 happen, have done an unbelievable
job! They truly have put on one of the most amazing spectacles that
the world has ever seen and i'm sure it is something that people will
remember for the rest of their lives.
helloooooo Tom Daley! |
After the closing ceremony, everyone
was absolutely starving after being on their feet for 5 hours
straight and so the only cure was clearly the 24/7 McDonald's. It
made life a lot easier and less guilty having Mo Farah (DOUBLE
OLYMPIC CHAMPION!!!!- amazing!!) standing in the queue with me,
persuading me to have a McFlurry as he was disgusted at the fact I
had never previously tried one! Best decision ever... Although after
not having McDonald's for over a year, I did engulf 3 within 4 days.
Mo Farah rocking a casual lightbulb hat |
Team GB held there own private outdoor
party in the casual dining area . It was actually a really good
evening where all the staff and athletes could come together and
celebrate the games finishing. The only weird thing was the fact we
were all dressed in identical clothing like little red smurfs.
Dancing away to Sean Paul (and a selection of other artists) whilst
wearing red trainers, red chinos and a blazer was a weird experience
for everyone.
Me and KJT |
Rossco Murray and myself |
Me, Adam Gemili and KJT |
I still have a few more races left
before finishing my 2012 season. Depending on how they go – I would
like to fit in a PB over 1500m and 3000m flat before the end of the
season (with possibly one 800m somewhere, in order to get rid of my
PB from when I was 14!!). My last steeplechase will be in Slovakia
next weekend (26th Aug) and then (fingers crossed) my last
race will be mid-sept at the New York 5th Avenue Mile. I
was down to race there last year but never got the opportunity to due
to injury – it's always something I have wanted to do so fingers
crossed I can carry on my season till then and finish on a high.